We’re in cattle country. No surprise, two per pack.

Making tinnie chook at Pete and Di’s. Translation: tinnie=beer can, chook=chicken.

Anzac memorial at Emu Park. A painting, “The Spirit — Gallipoli Landing 1915” mounted on glass in line with horizon and beach as if at Gallipoli.

Turtle checking out a Dusky Moorhen.

Visit to the Mackay Botanic Gardens. Spoonbill.

On the health front, Ian has acquired some kind of ear fungus.

Highlights from the past week include rainforest hikes, Baron Falls, Kuranda, Atherton Tablelands and Mackay city walks.

We visited cousin Richard and Karen in Mackay. Walked the art trail and had a nice lunch at their place.

Sunset at Bird’s Cafe in Bowen. Nice feed of fish, chips, calamari and scallops — minus one that a seagull swooped down and grabbed from the table. Guess that’s why it’s called Bird’s.

Driving in Queensland you pass endless fields of sugar cane and banana that get bagged up on the tree.